Raising concerns, making a complaint
We value your comments. We want to ensure quality service is provided. We encourage you to ask for information, raise concerns, make suggestions, and extend appreciation.
Residents and/or their family or friends who may wish to raise a concern, lodge a complaint, obtain information about or recommend change involving Wiigwas Home, can do so by sharing the issue (depending on its nature) with:
- Any staff member, Department Manager, the Executive Director or Director of Resident Care
- Wiigwas Home Resident Council and/or Family Council
- Members of the Wiigwas Home Board of Directors
- Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Director of the Performance Improvement and Compliance Branch
A current staff contact list is posted and copies provided at Reception. We encourage residents and families to express their concerns to home staff prior to contacting ministry staff. It is anticipated most issues will be dealt with to the satisfaction of all concerned.
Serious issues are requested to be put in writing. The Executive Director will respond within ten days to a resident’s (or his/her family/friend) requests, suggestions, and complaints, indicating possible plans of action.
Call the ministry (you can call the ministry directly if the complains is urgent)
Ministry of Long-Term Care Contact Information
Complaints may be directed to:
The Director, Performance Improvement & Compliance Branch Ministry of Long-Term Care
55 St. Clair Avenue West, 8th Floor, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario, M4V 2Y7
Toll Free Confidential Long-term Care ACTION Line: 1-866-434-0144
Hours of Operation: 8:30-7:00pm, 7days a week
The person who answers your call will:
- Take down your information
- Ask you some questions, give the information to an inspector for follow-up
If your complaint is not urgent, you will hear back within two business days.
Contact the Patient Ombudsman
If you have already contacted the home directly and the Long-Term Care Family Support and Action Line (toll-free at 1-866-434-0144) and were not able to reach a satisfactory resolution, you can contact the Patient Ombudsman:
By calling 1-888-321-0339 (toll-free) or 416-597-0339