A message from our CEO

I extend my sincere warm greetings to each of you. We have long anticipated the opportunity to create a culturally friendly Home right here in our community of Kenora. Our team looks forward to our friendship and the opportunity to support your care needs.

Tania Cameron CEO


We look forward to sharing our Elders words very soon.


WESC and KCA staff gathered both in person and virtually in November 2020 to define the vision and strategic priorities as WESC began to take form into a not-for-profit long-term care Home. Through a brainstorming activity, this word cloud formed to highlight what the vision was for the future of WESC.


For your day to day concerns our team members are:

Tania Cameron – Chief Executive Officer:
Phone 807-468-8625
Email: tania.cameron@wiigwas.org

Lois Bailey – Executive Director:
Phone 807-468-8625 Ext. 8055
Email: lois.bailey@wiigwas.org

Donna Duffield – Acting Director of Care :
Phone 807-468-8625 ext 8052
Email: donna.duffield@wiigwas.org

Charito Gallivan – Food Services Manager:
Phone 807-468-8625 ext 8047
Email: charito.gallivan@wiigwas.org

Kerry Livingstone – Environmental Services Manager:
807-468-8625 ext 8053
Email: kerry.livingstone@wiigwas.org

Megan Stares – Programs Manager:
Phone 807-468-8625 ext 8046
Email: megan.stares@wiigwas.org

Michelle Buechner – Human Resources and Benefits Coordinator:
807-468-8625 ext 8049
Email: general inquiries hr@wiigwas.org or to apply careers@wiigwas.org

Let’s Talk.

Contact Details

Phone: 807-468-8625
Fax: 807-468-4060

Find Us.


237 Lakeview Drive
Kenora, Ontario P9N 4J7