Admissions Rate


Re: Basic, Semi-Private and Private Rate Changes

Application for Rate Reduction

The Ministry of Health and Long -Term Care announced the new October 1, 2022, rates for accommodations. This is a provincially mandated increase. Wiigwas will be implementing the rate increase effective November 1st, 2022, this year.

The new full rates are outlined below:

Basic will increase by $1.55/day
Total Daily Rate $63.73/day (approx. $1,938.46/monthly)

Semi-Private will increase by $1.77/day
Total Daily Rate $72.47/day (approx.$2,204.30/monthly)

Private will increase by $2.03/day
Total Daily Rate $83.38/day (approx. $2,2536.14/monthly)

If you are currently paying less than $63.73 per day because you are receiving a reduction in the Basic co-payment, known as a “Rate Reduction,” You should not be affected because your co-payment amount is determined based on what you can afford. If you did not qualify for a rate reduction during the 2022-23 Rate Reduction cycle (which began on July 1, 2022 and ends June 30, 2023) due to your income being slightly too high, you may reapply as of October 1, 2022 to see if you now qualify. Staff at your LTC home will provide you with the application form and will assist you to submit you application to the Ministry of Long-Term Care.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Office X 8045.

Lee-Anne Moore
Executive Director


Bulletin to Residents of Long-

Term Care Homes: Important News Regarding Long-TermCare

Home Accommodations Charges

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the annual long-term care home resident co-payment rate increase was deferred to October 1, 2022. Consistent with prior years, an inflationary increase of 2.5% will be applied to the co-payment for basic and preferredaccommodation in Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes.

Basic Accommodation Rates

On October 1, 2022, the co-payment that residents pay for basic accommodation in Long- Term Care (LTC) homes will increase by $1.55 per day from $62.18 per day to $63.73 per day, consistent with recent inflationary increases. This willhelp cover the rising costs of meals and accommodation.

Preferred Accommodation Rates

 The maximum charges will also be increasing for residents admitted to newer preferred accommodation beds on or after October 1, 2022. The premium charged for semi- private accommodation will increase by $0.32 from $12.78 to $13.10 per day, and the premium for private accommodation will increase by $0.67 from $26.64 to $27.31 per day.

The table below provides the new rates that will apply as of October 1, 2022 to all types of accommodation based on a resident’s date of admission to the bed.

Effective from October 1, 2022, the basic accommodation rate is determined using the following formula:

  • 2019 / 2020 / 2021 rate x (1 + CPI Rate up to a maximum of 5%) = 2022 co-payment rate. [ i.e., $62.18 x (1+2.5%) = $63.73]
  • The monthly rate is determined by multiplying the daily rate by 4167. [ i.e., $63.73 x 30.4167 = $1,938.46]

If you have requested a transfer from your current accommodation into a preferred accommodation bed, please call the LTC home administrator to confirm the rate that you will be required to pay. Preferred rates for semi-private and private accommodationin your current LTC home or in another LTC home may be different if you are offered a bed on or after October 1, 2022.

If you are currently paying less than $63.73 per day because you are receiving a reduction in the basic co-payment, known as a “Rate Reduction,” you should not be affected because your co-payment amount is determined based on what you can afford.However, if you did not qualify for a rate reduction during the 2022-23 Rate Reduction cycle (which began on July 1, 2022, andends on June 30, 2023) due to your income being slightly too high, you may reapply as of October 1, 2022 to see if you now qualify. All residents receiving a rate reduction should re-apply for a reduction in the basic co-payment rate for the 2023-24 cycle, beginning on July 1, 2023. Staff at your LTC home will provide you with the application form and will help you to submit your application to the Ministry of Long-Term Care.

For more information on co-payment rates or the changes to the rate reduction application process, please speak with your home’s Administrator. Should you have any additional questions, please contact: